Members wanted to speak in support of Ocean City, MD wind farm during Public Service Commission (PSC) online virtual meetings on September 28 and 30.
The IBEW has established a clear record of support for wind farms and the clean energy they produce. Wind power is a source of great union jobs, both during construction and for day-to-day operation. Now that things are moving forward related to the offshore wind farm to be built off the coast of Ocean City, MD, it is time to rally Local 24 members and retirees to show our support.
Local 24 Business Manager Mike McHale is asking members to volunteer to testify in favor of the project during two PSC meetings on Tuesday, September 28, at 6:00 pm and Thursday September 30, at 6:00 pm. Because the hearings are virtual, no travel will be required in order to testify.
The Baltimore and DC Building Trades, with which Local 24 is affiliated, will provide talking points to all members who sign up to testify. The talking points will be a great resource in helping to develop testimony. If you are able to testify at one of the hearings, please send an email to to get the ball rolling.