Little bags of corn were flying across the blacktop at 2701 W. Patapsco Avenue on a recent weekend, as Local 24’s RENEW committee hosted its 1st Annual Cornhole Tournament on the afternoon of Saturday, September 22, 2018. The event drew 12 teams of fierce competitors along with lots of interested spectators.

THE VICTORS! (from left) Runners-Up Joe Doty and Nick Lynne, Jeff our friendly Milwaukee Tool rep, and Tournament Champs Ray Gregory and Dennis Barnhardt.
When the tossing was done, the team of Dennis Barnhardt and Ray Gregory were at the top of the leader board and claimed the victory. They were rewarded with a cash prize of 50% of the entry fees (the other 50% went to event expenses and the RENEW treasury) and 2 quality laptop backpacks donated by the fine folks at Milwaukee Tools.
Hard on their heels was the runner-up team, Joe Doty and Nick Lynne. Their prize was 2 sets of vehicle floormats, also provided by Milwaukee Tools. Every entrant got a Milwaukee Tools swag bag, as well as plenty of burgers and dogs and a good time.
RENEW is an organization specifically focused on our members who are age 35 and under. The mission of the Reach out and Engage Next-gen Electrical Workers (RENEW) initiative is to inspire the next generation of IBEW workers to become active in their local union by focusing on issues important to younger workers, providing education about the IBEW and the labor movement, and fostering relationships with members and local union leadership.
Local 24’s RENEW committee meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month, the same day as the regular membership meeting. RENEW meets at 5 pm and the membership meeting is at 7 pm. The next planned RENEW activity is a community service project in honor of Veteran’s Day. Members will be working with a veterans’ charity organization for that event. To get more details, follow Ibew Renew Baltimore on Facebook.