Tag Archives: NECA
IBEW and NECA Announce End Date For National Disease Emergency Response Agreement (NDERA)
The NDERA was established more than a year ago in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. Leaders from the IBEW and NECA recognized the need for our members to have decision-making capacity to protect their health during a worldwide pandemic, and our contractors’ need to have greater flexibility to protect their business as the economy suffered.
Now that greater numbers of Americans are getting vaccinated every day and our lives are moving toward a “new normal”, both parties agree that it will soon be time to suspend the NDERA. Therefore, earlier this week the IBEW and NECA agreed to suspend the agreement as of June 1, 2021. A copy of the signed agreement is below.
IBEW and NECA Announce National Disease Emergency Response Agreement
As concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic mount, Local 24 Business Manager Pete Demchuk has received the following communication and policy from IBEW International President Lonnie Stephenson and National Electrical Contractors Association CEO David Long:
“In recognition of the current emergency in our nation and the need for our industry to react quickly to this and future emergencies, the IBEW and NECA have developed the National Emergency Response Agreement (NDERA) for use by our contractors and members. This agreement provides our industry with the ability to react quickly to potential emergencies related to this pandemic.
The provisions of the agreement will become effective immediately, March 16, 2020, as it is intended for use and shall remain in effect until terminated. We shall meet via teleconference every 30 days to evaluate this agreement and determine its continued utility.”