Organizing Leads To Success At BGE

We would like to take this time to congratulate the men and women of Baltimore Gas & Electric in their great victory, forming IBEW Local #410. It was a long road to travel. The workers of BGE started working to organize their union over 20 years ago. Local 24 is grateful for every opportunity to help in this tremendous journey.

This latest campaign was an effort that received support from volunteers and organizers from all over the country. Members flooded in from the West Coast, Mid West and of course the East. I can say that everyone that took part was dedicated to the labor movement and to the new members of Local #410. It was amazing to see what can happen when a group works together to achieve a common goal.

We look forward to working with our new brothers and sisters as they form the foundation for many prosperous years to come.


In Solidarity

Gary R. Griffin

Local 24